Our Projects
Training right holders in conservation agriculture, compost making, crop management, mushroom production, beekeeping and livestock management
Supporting right holders with small livestock using the pass-on scheme
Facilitating small scale irrigation
Providing boreholes
Distributing water filters using the try-and-buy model
Supplying pedestal latrines for vulnerable groups: the physically challenged, elderly and chronically ill
Holding WASH campaigns and competitions
Building girls' urinals with menstrual hygiene management facilities in primary schools
Teaching girls sewing skills: reusable sanitary pads
Establishing a revolving fund to assist right holders with access to loans in order to upgrade houses from grass thatch to iron sheets
Training girls and women how to sew items including reusable sanitary pads
Empowering girls and women in business management and entrepreneurship skills
Setting up tree nurseries for raising trees
Planting trees in deforested areas with support of the surrounding communities
Facilitating formulation of bylaws to protect the woodlots from fires, wanton cutting of trees and animal grazing
Training caregivers using the Little by Little syllabus
Supporting caregivers with a reproducible toybox
Monitoring Community Based Child Care Centers (CBCCCs) and providing technical support
Providing children's toilet in the CBCCCs